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English “D” Style Swivels
$27.95 – $41.95
We now make our own style of this popular swivel. Each swivel is meticulously machined welded and polished out of surgical stainless steel. The special design prevents jesses from sliding into the middle and jamming the swiveling action and is also great for lures and hawking bags.
Size 5 (TH155): Use for Merlin/Kestrel for $27.95
Size 4 (TH150): Use for Peregrine/Male Harris’ Hawk for $29.95
Size 3(TH145): Use for Red-tail/Gryfalcon/Female Harris’ Hawk for $33.95
Size 2 (TH140): Use for eagle for $34.95
Size 1 (TH135): Use for extra large eagle for $41.95